Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Look, I'm a blogger!

I feel so trendy now, like when I first got a cell phone in 2004.  I chose the name of the blog because it's always been one of my favorite latin proverbs.  And also because I'm not that creative and couldn't think of anything that didn't sound stupid.

I guess my first post I'll talk a little about my family.  My husband and I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary this August, but we've been together for 9 years.  We have a spunky 5 year old little boy, Dylan, who sure keeps me on my toes.  We also have 14 month old twins, Bryce and Kaia.  Never in this world did I think I'd have twins, now I can't imagine my life without them.  I also have extended family that lives close, my mom, dad, sister, cousins and brother-in-law; and their families.  My husbands family is on the east-coast.  We keep in contact with them all regularly, and are all very close to one another.  Family is very important to me, and we're blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives. 

I'm an RN and work on a post-surgical unit at the nearby hospital.  When the twins were 4 months old I went back to work two shifts a month.  Recently I've been working more because my husbands hours have been cut at his work.  It gives him a chance to catch up on his school work and spend more time with us.  I work nights, so he cares for the kids while I'm at work and the next day while I'm sleeping.  He's got his own routines down for bedtime and how to get everyone out the door to get Dylan to school on time.  I started working night shift when Dylan was only 9 months old, it was a tough decision but it works well with our family. 

Nap time is over and I've gotta get dinner started.  I'll have to think of more topics to write about on here.  Suggestions welcome  :-)