Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A child can ask questions that a wise man cannot answer

Hard to believe it’s April already.  This year is going by fast.  Dylan had a good but uneventful spring break.  He has just about a month and a half left of school – then he’ll be a first grader!  We had wanted to enroll him in summer school, but his school isn’t offering it for Kindergarten.  His special ed teacher was considering tutoring this summer, she said she would let us know.  Unless we can convince Aunt Nicole to spend her whole summer out here to be his tutor  J  I think her and Sara were planning on coming out this summer, so that will be nice.  She always has good advice on how to teach Dylan.  He’s doing real good with reading, sounds out c-v-c words very well, but is still struggling with math.  I think we’ll have to work hard with him during the summer so he’s ready for first grade. 

The twins are now 16 months old!  And they’re quite the toddlers.  They’re really growing into their own little selves and letting their personalities show.  Kaia has been my challenge the last few weeks.  She steals toys from Bryce, loves to dump water over his head in the tub and steal his food (even though she doesn’t eat it).  She’s still not a great eater, but she seems to go through phases.  She’s learning to like the TV a little too much.  She will bring me the remote for me to turn it on.  Her favorite show is “Dora the Explorer”.  She likes to answer the questions they ask during the show.  We limit the kids time spent watching TV (or video games and computer for that matter), and with the weather getting nicer we’ve been playing outside more.  Kaia is very good at following simple instructions, “put this in the trash”, “go get your shoes”, etc. 

Bryce is such a sweet little boy.  He’s got the most beautiful blond curls that mommy has to fight for.  Daddy desperately wants to cut them, but I won’t let him.  I know that once it’s cut they’ll never grow back, just like Dylans.  Bryce loves to eat.  Some of his favorites are homemade mashed potatoes, bananas, and cheese.  But really he eats just about anything I give him.  He’s still a tiny little guy, about a pound behind his sister still.  I’m not concerned at all, he’s following his curve on the growth chart and doing everything a 16 month old should be doing.  (Even though he’s 15 months adjusted).  Some of his favorite words are ball, cookie and mama.  Both twins like to mimic the other when one is doing something funny.  They do “twinspeak” and its pretty interesting to watch.  They have their own dialog.  His favorite toys to play with are any ball and stuffed animals.  He goes to sleep with about 5 or 6 of them. 

Dylan loves playing with the babies but sometimes he tries a little too hard to ‘help’ me.  He always wants to get them in and out of their highchairs, out of their cribs, carseats, etc.  I think they’ll all play really good together when the twins get a bit older.  Sometimes he doesn’t realize how rough he’s being with them although I know it’s unintentional. 

The twins are I think about 21 and 22 lbs and are still rear facing in their carseats.  The American Academy of Pediatrics recently revised their guidelines.  They can be read here:  Hopefully that will be made the law soon.  They don’t mind being RFing one bit (they don’t know anything different) and enjoy being able to interact with big brother in the seat behind them.  They are in the Graco MyRide 65, so they’ll be able to use that seat for quite a while. 

I think that’s about it.  While looking for pictures to put on here I realized I haven’t taken many pictures of the kids lately, I’ll have to work on that!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Look, I'm a blogger!

I feel so trendy now, like when I first got a cell phone in 2004.  I chose the name of the blog because it's always been one of my favorite latin proverbs.  And also because I'm not that creative and couldn't think of anything that didn't sound stupid.

I guess my first post I'll talk a little about my family.  My husband and I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary this August, but we've been together for 9 years.  We have a spunky 5 year old little boy, Dylan, who sure keeps me on my toes.  We also have 14 month old twins, Bryce and Kaia.  Never in this world did I think I'd have twins, now I can't imagine my life without them.  I also have extended family that lives close, my mom, dad, sister, cousins and brother-in-law; and their families.  My husbands family is on the east-coast.  We keep in contact with them all regularly, and are all very close to one another.  Family is very important to me, and we're blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives. 

I'm an RN and work on a post-surgical unit at the nearby hospital.  When the twins were 4 months old I went back to work two shifts a month.  Recently I've been working more because my husbands hours have been cut at his work.  It gives him a chance to catch up on his school work and spend more time with us.  I work nights, so he cares for the kids while I'm at work and the next day while I'm sleeping.  He's got his own routines down for bedtime and how to get everyone out the door to get Dylan to school on time.  I started working night shift when Dylan was only 9 months old, it was a tough decision but it works well with our family. 

Nap time is over and I've gotta get dinner started.  I'll have to think of more topics to write about on here.  Suggestions welcome  :-)